A Widow Bird Sate Mourning For Her Love By Percy Bysshe Shelley(2 stanzas)

Special stanzas of a widow bird sate mourning for her love by Percy Bysshe Shelley are given below:

Complete text:

A widow bird sate mourning for her love
Upon a wintry bough;
The frozen wind crept on above,
The freezing stream below.

There was no leaf upon the forest bare,
No flower upon the ground,
And little motion in the air
Except the mill- wheel’s sound.

A Widow Bird Sate Mourning

Paraphrase 1:

A lonely bird is sitting on the bough of a tree, weeping over the death of its companion. The climate is extremely cold and above its head cold wind is blowing. Below the bough, the stream has frozen due to the cold wind. But the bird is sitting there, unaware of the cold climate. She is mourning over her lost love.

Paraphrase 2:

In the season of winter,the trees shed their leaves and the branches lie bare.Flowers are out of sight as the  ground is covered with snow.There is practically no voice to heard.But only the soft sound coming from the millwheel.So it seems that the objects of nature are also weeping with the sad bird.

Critical Appreciation:

In this poem,the poet tells us about a lonely bird who is mourning over the death of her companion.The atmosphere is surrounded with snow and mist.But the bird is sitting on the branch of the tree as if she were not feeling the chilly winds.Shelley  has drawn a beautiful picture of the snow covered ground,and the cold night.Silence rules over the night and the only sound audible is that of the mills-wheel.The lyric is a short one but it maintains it’s dignity.The music of the poem is sad.It affects the heart of the reader.The lonely mourning bird brings to heart the sad atmosphere of the poem.

Explanation with Reference to the Context:

Lines 1-4


These lines have been taken from the poem ‘a widow bird sate mourning for her love’ written by P.B.Shelley.

A Widow Bird Sate Mourning


The poem is about the idea of love and separation.The passion of love is so strongly active in the universe that it not only rules over the human beings but also the birds.A widow bird , sitting on the branch of a tree ,mours for her dead companion.She is so grieved that she is indifferent to the bitter cold around her.


In these lines, the poet tells us about a lonely bird who is sitting on the branch of a tree. She is weeping over the death of her companion. The climate is extremely cold. Above the head of the bird, a cold wind is blowing. Below the bough, the stream has frozen due to the cold wind. But the bird is sitting there, unaware of the cold climate. She is mourning over her lost love.

Lines 5-8


These lines have been taken from the poem ‘a widow bird sate mourning for her love’ written by P.B.Shelley.


The poem is about the idea of love and separation.The passion of love is so strongly active in the universe that it not only rules over the human beings but also the birds.A widow bird , sitting on the branch of a tree ,mours for her dead companion.She is so grieved that she is indifferent to the bitter cold around her.


In these lines,the poet asserts that in the season of winter,the trees shed their leaves.So the branches of the trees lie bare.Flowers are out of sight.The ground is covered with snow.There is practically no voice to be heard.But only the soft sound coming from the millwheel.So it seems that the objects of nature are also weeping with the sad bird.


In conclusion, we can say that this poem is very important. This poem tells the story of a bird who has lost her mate and is unable to fly. This poem also reflects the poet’s own experience of loss and sorrow.

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